Monday 18 August 2014

If There were an illuminati (On the power of bullying)

If there were an illuminati, an invisible cadre of infinitely powerful and rich people, what would it look like?  What would those people choose to do?  How can I use my understanding of human nature to fill the invisible void?

“Like the notables assembled under the king’s roof at Versailles, official Washington divides the known world into only two parts.  First there is Washington, and then there is everyplace else.  The planes arriving and departing National Airport cross the only frontier of any consequence- the one between the inside and the outside- and all the truly momentous topics of conversation center [sic]on only one question, which is always and unfailingly the same:  Who’s in and who’s out”
From the preface to Lewis Lapham’s 2001 book “Lights, Camera, Democracy.”
            Lewis Lapham, one of my favourite human naturalists, has a privileged perspective.  Coming from America’s aristocracy, he has a window into a world most of us can only imagine.  However, politics is not something that only happens in governments or between powerful people.  Politics happens in offices, academic units, worksites, film sets and families all across the world.  The only escape from politics, in fact, is to become a hermit and not interact with others.  The term politics does not itself suggest that any particular method or perspective has the advantage over others, but in reality, certain methods do.  Some people are afraid of confrontation and will avoid situations which present the potential for it.  These people are not usually successful in the game of politics.  And that means that those people are not usually as successful in office situations, or academic units or any other environment, as people who enjoy or do not shy from confrontation. 

We call it self confidence.  Jewish culture calls it Chutzpah.  You can also call it entitlement. Whatever name you give to this personal quality, the possession of it is like having a fairy godmother.  Or perhaps it’s like having a V12 under the bonnet when those without are left driving 2-stroke scooters.  No matter what situation you are in, having self-confidence makes you more likely to be singled out for forward momentum.  Many confidence tricksters, some of whom have run hospitals and banks, have explained that self-confidence is in fact all you need for success.  How is it so powerful?  Could a more intelligent and qualified person really be passed over in favour of someone with less ability but more self adoration?  Yes of course, don’t we see that happening constantly around us?  That’s what I see. 

Let’s think about compassion and empathy.  Sympathy is to feel sorry for someone.  Empathy on the other hand is to attempt to understand another’s perspective or point of view.  Compassion is based on empathy not sympathy.  I point this out because it seems to me that many people are confused and think there is some value to sympathy.  There is not.  Sympathy is wasted energy at best, and at worst an insult. Empathy on the other hand is very valuable.  Empathy and compassion cause a person to consider the rights, needs and perspectives of others.  At times our openness to the perspective of others, combined with our rational processing may lead us to believe that someone else’s need might be greater than our own.   If two people are competing and one always pushes their own interests while the other one occasionally concedes to the other’s interests, maths tells us the one with no compassion will prevail.  So perhaps you can see where I am going with this. The Illuminati would not be very good at empathy.

Bullying is an extreme form of confidence and entitlement.  Bullies take extra confidence and disregard the empathy.  Unfortunately that doesn’t automatically make them stupid.  New Zealand has been offered a wonderful insight into bully and Whale Oil blogger Cameron Slater, thanks to Nicky Hager's new book Dirty Politics.  One of the particular aspects to his bullying to my mind is the brazen manner in which he accuses and abuses others of the very same things he is doing himself.  Here he is condemning Nicky Hager because he  didn't even have the common journalistic courtesy to contact a single person contained within these emails, while he breached everybody's privacy". 

            Did Slater ring those people who’s name suppression he breached?  Probably not.  Did he worry about their privacy? Certainly not.  In and attempt to minimise the fallout, John Key is using this exact method of accusing "the [entire ed] left" of a dirty smear campaign against him.  Interesting, as that is actually the charge you are defending yourself from John.  Slater and Key show us how confidence slides on into bullying.  While one person may be confident despite the opinions of others, a bully is confident regardless of others opinions or rights.  A bully is someone who is very confident and uses no empathy.

Finally in this thesis, the issue of privileged.  While wealth is not power, it can buy you power if you are canny.  Power is disproportionately accessible to the wealthy.   In other words while poor people sometimes gain power, and not all wealthy people do, achieving power is infinitely simpler for a rich person in general.  Another important modifying factor in the mix in my opinion is that the fear of the loss of wealth or power may be greater than the fear of never having it.  Power and wealth breed insecurity, which often leads to gratuitous greed and the obsessive amassing of ever greater wealth and power.  This concept is well illustrated in the proliferation of ever more deadly and destructive  weapons over the past century.  No amount ever appears to be enough to allow a country to feel secure.

So my experience of the world tells me that if there were an illuminati, they would be compassionless, narcissistic bullies from a privileged background, because those are the people who are driven to compete incessantly against others, and those are the people who are best able to use the architecture of our society in order to succeed.  To be honest, I find it almost impossible to believe there is not an illuminati (it would be a little surprising if that is the term by which they referred to themselves however).  Everything I know about humanity tells me that it is the obvious continuation, ad extremis, of our everyday society.

Phoebe Taptiklis

Friday 9 March 2012

What are we good at?

I believe in humanity.  I believe that we humans are one race.  One species.  We are similar.  Science agrees with me, but many participants (including scientists) do not.

That is beacause what we are best at in the whole world is dichotomisation.  It is something that human beings do exceptionally well.  Binification (binarization?).  Turning every single event and experience into Us and Them.  Wrong or Right.  Good or Bad.  There must be a scale for judging everything and we feel most comfortable when things are at one extremity or the other. 

Fuzzy complexities that say "It was okay apart from that bit, but when you think about it it makes sense from another perspective..."  is not how we want things. 

This is a bit of a concern, as the universe does not exist in this fashion.  The universe is not simplistic; it is complex.  Where we see binary dichotomies, there in fact exist complex, multi-dimensional spectrums

This is problematic enough, but not only does the universe exist in the form of complex. multi-dimensional spectrums of each type of thing... but so do we.  Even the most black and white, conformist, reactionary, extremists amongst us are in fact complex and multi-dimensional.

The reason extremists are often very angry people is that trying to force a multi-dimensional complex universe to conform with your extremist binary perspective is very difficult and involves the most intense level of justification.  We must in fact re-order the universe to conform with our ego.  The simplest way to do this is to be extremely naiive.  Always believe the first thing you were told and reject every piece of conflicting information as propaganda from the devil (or equivalent).  Or else you can use the wonderful faculty of justification.

And that brings us to the thing human beings are second-best at.  From one side it is called justification or  rational(ization).  From the other side it is called denial.  We are all very very good at it.  Thank your ancestors.  Depending on how valuable our ego is to us relative to the facts, we can convince ourselves of anything we want.  I know people who have never done anything wrong (or interpretable as wrong) in their lives.  And I bet a dollar that you do too. 

Whether we grip tightly or are more relaxed we all want to be right and we are all afraid of being wrong.

Friday 23 September 2011


Why would President Obama stand up at the United Nations and reiterate propaganda about
Arabs waging war on Israel that every reasonable person on the planet saw through decades ago?

Why would President Obama go back on his own position of only a year ago, when he supported Palestinian Statehood, and called for Israel to halt the illegal settlements on the occupied West Bank?

Why would President Obama decide to further sour ties with the Arab world at a time when  it looks very much as if the tides may be changing, as political institutions installed and upheld by the US and the West are being overthrown. 

Well, the first rule of detecting, is to ask "Who stands to gain from this state of affairs?"

As usual this line of investigation points clearly to one person, President Obama.  (For Israel it will merely uphold the status quo). Who knows the specifics of the deal he has struck with Zionists in Israel and the US, but whether the blank cheque we can all imagine is spent on his personal campaign or on bolstering the cracked foundations of his nations economy, the result is the same.  Better chances in the polls.

It is obviously very important to Obama to get voted in for another term as President.  Personally I would have thought that someone, who initially appeared to be so morally driven, would have had enough of the games and the lies and the manipulation.  So the question I have come to ask my self now is what is the cause of this desperate desire to continue as President (I would say "in power" but I am starting to wonder if that phrase is relevant to the position of United States President)

Does Obama want to continue because he knows that with another term he can turn the country around and leave a lasting legacy that will boost the self esteem of all afroamericans, and improve living conditions for all?

Or is he so terrified of what will happen if the Tea Partyers get their person in, that he would do anything to avoid it? 

Or is it just ego?

These are interesting times, as they say when the sky is about to fall.